New Program
Programming Language:
Speed: symbols per second
Speed: symbols per second

Website «CoderPad.ru» was created as an advanced version of «hackertyper.net», on our website you can choose programing language, typing speed, possibility to load code and enabling «automatic mode» (code writing starts automatically).

Programs source code we take from «Pastebin.com», code update is made daily. Every day you have a new code! ;)
Continue visiting us!

Written by: Yurii P.

Translation: Vladimir Dymytrov

Available languages: Russian, English, French.

Just start by typing any keys!

  • We strongly recommend to use a full screen mode, just click on button «Full screen» or click Alt+F (or F11).
  • In order to create a new program (and/or choose other programing language), click in menu above on «New program».
  • If you want to change typing speed - click in menu above on «Settings», change speen and click «Save».
  • If you need to load code again or start typing from the beginning, just click on «Reload Program» or click Alt+R.
  • Bored with current code? No problems! Click on «Next Program» or click Alt+N.
  • You are so lazy to type? We knew that! We created «Auto-mode», enable it and program starts typing for you. In order to enable iit click on «Auto-mode» or just click Alt+A.
Program is finished!